The Sociology, Criminal Justice and Human Services department offers a wide variety of unique and timely electives in areas that are popular with students. To encourage students to explore widely, ANY elective slot in the major/minor tree requirements for SOC CJ HS can be filled with ANY elective in the department, regardless of which area category it falls into (such as SOC, CJ, or HS). So for example, a SOC elective can count toward an elective slot for a CJ major. However, please note that electives DO NOT double count within the majors/minors. For example, the four elective slots required for a sociology major DO NOT count as they are filled up again in any of the elective slots for something else, like the Human Services minor, or in similar situations. Individual questions about any elective courses that count in the department should be directed to the chair person.
To earn a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours. Students must also earn a major GPA of 2.0, and a cumulative GPA of 2.0.