Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Funded Prizes and Medals

Friends of the University may establish in perpetuity a medal or prize to be awarded annually. Such awards, funded by the foundation established, will serve as a perpetual memorial to the donor and the one in whose name it is established.

The Bishop Allen Memorial Prize for the highest scholastic average maintained throughout the four years of the college course was founded by the late Rev. Msgr. James H. Casey, LL.D., C’1899, in memory of the Most Rev. Edward P. Allen, C’1878, bishop of Mobile, Ala., and president of the University from 1884 to 1897.

The Reverend Philip A. Barrett Scholarship Prize is awarded to the winner of a student competition in research projects. It was originated and initially funded each year by Professor John Morrison until his death in 1985. Now permanently endowed through gifts from alumni, family and others in memory of Fr. Barrett, who for decades was a beloved faculty member and administrator at the Mount.

The Dustin Bauer Memorial Award for Leadership was established in 2013 by Michael Holder, Class of 2009, in memory of his classmate Dustin Bauer. The award is for a junior who has demonstrated exceptional leadership within student clubs and organizations in the Richard J. Bolte, Sr. School of Business.

The Monsignor Bradley Memorial Prize is awarded for the highest scholastic average throughout the business administration course. Founded by the Council of the College in memory of Monsignor Bernard J. Bradley, LL.D., C’1889, president of the University from 1911 to 1936.

The Class of 2013 Leadership Award was established as the Class of 2013 Senior Class Gift. This award is given to a rising senior who has demonstrated outstanding or noteworthy leadership in the areas of Campus Activities, Campus Ministry, Student Government, Student Diversity, Outdoor Adventures, Social Justice, or Mount Athletics and who embodies the Mount’s four pillars of Faith, Discovery, Leadership, and Community.

The Leo T. Collier Memorial Prize for outstanding achievement in English and/or journalism was founded by Gertrude Collier Irwin, Robert Collier Irwin and W. Burke Irwin, the sister and nephews of the late Leo T. Collier, C’14.

The Brother Odran Austin Crowley, F.S.C., Memorial Prize is for the member of the senior class who has distinguished himself or herself in the study of the Spanish language during his or her attendance at the University. Founded by Edward T. Ryan, assistant professor of modern languages, in memory of the late Brother Odran Austin Crowley, F.S.C., professor of Spanish and former president of St. Mary’s College of California.

The Joanne Vignali Cushman Memorial Prize is given to a student who consistently demonstrates those qualities essential to dedication in the field of education. Founded by Joseph A. Vignali.

The Rev. James T. Delaney Award was founded by alumni of the sociology department and friends of Father James Delaney for that student who, through academic excellence and service to the University and the community, exemplifies the values that Father Delaney represents.

The Della Ratta Award was founded in 2014 by Raphael Della Ratta, Class of 1992, in conjunction with Mount St. Mary’s efforts to demonstrate eligibility to host a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. The prize is for a junior who exhibits the highest standards of liberal learning through breadth and depth of study in the liberal arts and sciences, exceptional abilities of critical and creative thinking, and fine moral character.

The Erskine-Felber-Leonhardt Prize is awarded to the member of the senior class who has distinguished himself or herself in the study of the German language during his or her attendance at the University. Founded by Edward T. Ryan, former chairman of the foreign languages department, in honor of Inge Leske Erskine and in memory of Dr. Irma Felber and Dr. Hans Leonhardt, all members of the faculty of Michigan State University during World War II.

The Edward J. Flanagan Memorial Prize for the member of the senior class who best represents the tradition of Mount St. Mary’s University in scholarship, conduct and leadership. Founded by the Rev. Msgr. Hugh J. Phillips, C’31, president emeritus, in memory of Edward J. Flanagan, Lieut. U.S.M.C., C’51, Rahway, N.J., who died February 8, 1953, of wounds received in action in Korea.

The Monsignor Denis J. Flynn Memorial Prize is awarded for the highest average maintained throughout the course in English. Founded by the late Monsignor John J. Starr, LL.D., C’08, in memory of Monsignor Denis J. Flynn, LL.D., C’1880, president of the University from 1905-1911.

The Gene A Fuhrman, Sr., C’43, Memorial Award is for the member of the senior class who has distinguished himself/herself in the study of history, and maintained a GPA of 3.5. Founded by the late Monsignor Louis J. Mendelis, S.T.D., LL.D., C’24, in memory of the Rev. John J. O’Neill, M.A., C’06, professor of modern languages in the University from 1913 to 1956.

The Marianna Ring Gluth Prize is founded by the alumnae of St. Joseph’s College in memory of Marianna Ring Gluth, St. Joseph’s College, C’54, for the member of the senior class who has attained the highest average in sociology.

The Patrick Goles Prize for Leadership, established by Thomas and Irene Powell, is a tribute to Patrick Goles, C’64, past president of the National Alumni Association and trustee emeritus. This prize is presented to a junior who exemplifies the Mount’s four pillars in his/her work on campus. Students are nominated by the dean of students and selected by the president. The student is presented with the prize at Fall Convocation.

The Professor Dominic G. Greco Prize is to be awarded to a predental or premedical student who has been accepted into dental or medical school, who has demonstrated dedication to his or her fellow students, and who has been a credit to Mount St. Mary’s University. Founded by Frank Merolla, D.D.S., C’63, in appreciation of the late Dominic G. Greco, professor of biology.

The William Heath Award, named for Professor Emeritus of English William Heath, is awarded to the student who demonstrates outstanding achievement in creative writing.

The Professor Robert J. M. Henke Memorial Prize in French is for the member of the junior class who has distinguished himself/herself in the study of the French language during his/her attendance at Mount St. Mary’s. Founded by Mrs. M. Dolores Joy Henke, C’82, and Dr. Robert J.M. Henke Jr., C’77, in memory of the late Professor Robert J. M. Henke, associate professor of languages at Mount St. Mary’s from 1946-1984.

The Edward T. Hogan Memorial Prize is given for the highest scholastic average throughout the four years of the prelegal course. Founded by Mrs. Edward T. Hogan in memory of her husband, Edward T. Hogan, LL.B., LL.D., C’14.

The Rev. John B. Holley Memorial Prize is for the senior who has distinguished himself or herself in service to church and community during his or her college career, to be named by the director of campus ministry and the president of the student government. Founded by the student government of Mount St. Mary’s University and the Rev. Daniel C. Nusbaum, former University chaplain, in memory of the late Rev. John B. Holley, member of the seminary and University faculty, 1968-1975.

The Thomas R. Holmes Prize was founded in 2006 by Prudence and Bruce Len, awarded to a junior accounting major for academic merit and contribution to Mount St. Mary’s University.

The Dr. Judy Ramoy Johnstone Endowed Prize was established by her students, friends, colleagues and family to honor the accomplishments of Dr. Johnstone, who served the University as professor for 28 years and as chair and director of teacher education from 1985-2000. Qualities that form the core of her character are leadership, initiative, creative thinking, respect for others and a love of literacy. This prize is awarded to a senior teacher candidate, chosen by the faculty of the education department, who embodies the qualities that define Dr. Johnstone’s character and demonstrates excellence in teaching and service to the University, school or home communities.

The Monsignor Robert R. Kline Prize is for the major in psychology who has attained the highest scholastic average. Founded by the class of 1941 in appreciation of the services of their classmate, Monsignor Robert R. Kline, president of the University from 1961 to 1967.

The J. Daniel Larsen Memorial Prize was founded by John Milton, lecturer in modern and classical languages, in memory of J. Daniel Larsen, B.A., M.A., at the University of California, Berkeley, and educator in San Francisco from 1962 to 1991, for the member of the senior class who has distinguished himself or herself in the study of the French and/or the Latin languages.

The Dr. Henry P. and M. Page Laughlin Prize is for a student of the junior class who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship and exemplary qualities of academic leadership.

The David T. and Allison McGinley Award for the Advancement of Religious, Political, and Economic Liberty was established in 2014 by David T. McGinley, Class of 2011, and Allison (Boyd) McGinley, Class of 2014. It is given to a rising sophomore, junior, or senior within the Richard J. Bolte, Sr. School of Business to attend a four day conference at Acton University that explores issues related to Judeo-Christian theology, religious liberty, philosophy, and free market economics.

The McGraw Memorial Prize is awarded for the highest average maintained throughout the year in analytical mathematics. Founded by the late John T. McGraw, Esq., LL.D. (Hon. ‘07).

The Margaret E. and William P. Moyles Memorial Award was founded by Philip Vincent Moyles, Class of 1954, and his family in honor of his parents, for a rising senior who has demonstrated excellence in Pre-Law Studies by maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.0 and participating in Pre-Law student clubs, events, and programs.

The Monsignor George D. Mulcahy Memorial Prize is awarded to an undergraduate in the University who has distinguished himself or herself in service to his or her fellow man. Founded by the late Monsignor Louis J. Mendelis, S.T.D., LL.D., C’24, in appreciation of the services of the late Monsignor George D. Mulcahy, M.A., LL.D., former rector of the seminary.

The Professor Thomas J. Norris Memorial Prize is awarded to an outstanding student admitted to a school of medicine. The recipient is determined by a vote of the faculty of the science department. Founded by Franklin E. Verdon, M.D., C’32, in appreciation for the dedication and friendship of the late Professor Thomas J. Norris.

The Philip R. O’Connell Memorial Prize is for a member of the student body who has done outstanding work in the field of publications or communications arts. Founded by Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Smith in memory of the late Philip R. O’Connell Jr., C’64.

The Thomas G. O’Hara Prize for Leadership, established by Thomas and Irene Powell, is a tribute to Thomas G. O’Hara, C’64, chairman emeritus of the Board of Trustees. This prize is presented to a junior who exemplifies the Mount’s four pillars in his/her work on campus. Students are nominated by the dean of students and selected by the president. The student is presented with the prize at Fall Convocation.

The Reverend John J. O’Neill Memorial Prize is for the member of the senior class who has attained outstanding achievement in international studies.

The Reverend John J. O’Neill Memorial Prize is for the member of the senior class who has attained outstanding achievement in political science studies.

The Gerald C. Orosz Memorial Prize is presented by the alumni of the education department to the member of the senior class in the education program with the highest scholastic average throughout the four years.

The Monsignor Hugh J. Phillips Prize is given to the member of the freshman class who has attained the highest average. Founded by the late Monsignor Louis J. Mendelis, S.T.D., LL.D., C’24, in appreciation of the services of Monsignor Hugh J. Phillips, M.A., president emeritus.

The Nona S. and Jerome V. Redmond Prize is for the member of the senior class who has distinguished herself or himself in the study of philosophy. Founded by the Rev. Paul V. Redmond, M.A., S.T.L., professor of philosophy, Mount St. Mary’s University, in honor of his parents, Nona S. and Jerome V. Redmond.

The Edmund Ryan Memorial Prize is awarded to the member of the sophomore class who has attained the highest general average throughout the two years of the University course. Founded by the late Monsignor Louis Mendelis, S.T.D., LL.D., C’24, in memory of the late Edmund J. Ryan, C’1888, faculty member from 1889 to 1926.

The Shannon Schieber Social Justice Prize was established by persons seeking to honor the memory of Shannon Schieber and the good work done to promote Social Justice in her name. The prize is awarded to a rising senior, whose character and actions, while attending Mount St. Mary’s University, demonstrates exemplary commitment to the promotion of Social Justice as informed by the Catholic Social Teaching.

The Seton Prize for the highest average maintained throughout the course in biology was founded by the late William Seton III, Captain, U.S.N., LL.D., C’1855, grandson of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, in memory of the members of the Seton family who are buried in the University cemetery.

The Francis E. and Helen E. Shaum Memorial Prize for the member of the senior class who has distinguished himself or herself in four years of chorale music and made it their avocation. Founded by the Rev. David W. Shaum, Ph.D., longtime professor of music at Mount St. Mary’s University.

The Monsignor Tierney Memorial Prize for the highest general average maintained by a member of the junior class throughout the three years of the college course was founded by the late Monsignor Louis J. Mendelis, S.T.D., LL.D., C’24, in memory of the Rev. Msgr. John J. Tierney, D.D., C’1880, a member of the faculty from 1884 to 1941.

The Agostino and Anna Trovaioli Memorial Prize is for the senior who has distinguished himself or herself in the area of history of art during his or her attendance at the University. Founded by their son and daughters in memory of their parents.

The Eugene M. Waldron, Jr. Prize for Leadership was established by Thomas and Irene Powell as a tribute to Eugene M. Waldron, Jr. Class of 1964 and Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Students are nominated by the Dean of Students and selected by the President. This prize honors and recognizes the outstanding leadership of Mr. Waldron to his alma mater. The prize is presented to a junior who exemplifies the Mount’s four pillars of Faith, Discovery, Leadership and Community in his/her work on campus.

The Watterson Memorial Prize for excellence in English (determined by the best essay on a literary topic) was founded by the late Mrs. A.V. D. Watterson in memory of her husband, a member of the class of 1875, and president of the National Alumni Association for many years.

The Class of 1950 Memorial Prize for Achievement was founded in 1995 by members of the class of 1950 to provide an annual monetary prize for achievement to either a student or a faculty member who has made the most significant contribution to the Mount community during the academic year. It was established in fond memory of departed friends and classmates.