Feb 18, 2025  
Graduate Catalog 2017-2018 
Graduate Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information

Identification Cards

The MOUNTcard is a multifunctional campus ID card. It is the official photo ID for the Mount. All students (undergraduate and graduate) are issued a card. The card serves the following functions:

  • Library card
  • Use of the Knott Athletic Recreation and Convocation Complex
  • Entrance to athletic events
  • Option of opening a prepaid debit account for spending on the main campus
  • Badge access to the Frederick Campus during student hours

The MOUNTcard office is located in the in the Accounting and Finance Office on the third floor of Bradley Hall, on the main campus in Emmitsburg, Md. Please call 301-447-5348 for more information or to schedule an appointment to receive a card. Photos may also be taken in Frederick. Inquire at the front information desk at the Frederick campus for details.

Emergency or Class Cancellations

Students are encourage to sign up to the Mount Alert system (www.msmary.edu/mymountalert) to receive messages on class cancellation or emergencies. In the event of severe weather, students can also contact the weather line at 301-447-5777 or listen to area radio stations for announcements. Please note that it is possible for one campus location to close while another remains open. Students taking classes at the Frederick Campus will generally receive an e-mail or announcement from their professor of a class cancellation. Students can also call the Frederick Campus at 301-682-8315.

Vehicle Registration

When at the main campus in Emmitsburg, please register your vehicle in person with Public Safety (the small white building located at the main entrance to campus). There is no cost for vehicle registration. While the Office of Public Safety is open around the clock, normal business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Public Safety personnel are still able to issue temporary parking permits outside of normal business hours.

Unless otherwise directed, commuting graduate students may park in lot 10, next to the Memorial Gym, and in lot 8, near the Apartments and the main campus entrance, across Annandale Road from the Office of Public Safety/Visitor’s Center. Resident graduate students are permitted to park in lot 7 (Bicentennial Hall), lot 10 (Memorial Gym), or in the lots adjacent to the Graduate House on East Campus. If you have any questions regarding parking or similar matters, contact Public Safety at 301-447-5210.

Obtaining Official Mount St. Mary’s Graduate Transcripts

Official transcripts will be provided to schools, employers or to the individual at no cost. Transcripts can be issued in either paper or electronic format.

Written request must be made for each transcript. The request will be made online at www.msmary. edu/transcript.

No request can be honored until the financial account has been cleared by the Finance Office. Requests will be processed as expeditiously as possible; however, a minimum of five working days should be allowed for processing. During examination periods, registration, and the two-week period immediately before and after the end of semesters, there may be an additional delay.

Confidentiality of Student Records

The graduate programs abide by the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Under this act, no unauthorized individuals are allowed to see a student’s record without the written permission of the student.

Graduate Student Representation

Each year, representatives from the University graduate programs are appointed to serve on the following campus committees:

Mount Council

Advises the president on matters placed before the council by the president or members of the council. Coordinates all planning activities, reviews annual operating budgets, recommends policies and practices of governing the Mount, and serves as a communication vehicle to various Mount constituencies.

Graduate Academic Committee

Faculty committee primarily concerned with graduate academic standards, rights, and responsibilities of graduate students,
and the academic policies governing graduate academic programs.

Technology Advisory Committee

Advises the president, the other executive officers, and the directors of technical services and user services on the implementation of technology to support the objectives of the University including the seminary. Also serves an educational purpose as the vehicle through which information on technology-related matters is disseminated campuswide through its representatives.