Changing to Degree Status
If a student wishes to change from a certificate only program to a degree program, he/she must submit a Change of Program Request Form.
Deadline: Students must submit a Change of Program Request Form to their program director before completing the requirements for the certificate. However, students may transfer certificate courses into a graduate program before, after or during the program.
See Change of Program in Graduate Academic Policies
Gainful Employment Disclosures - 2019
Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Risk Management and Cybersecurity for Professionals
This program is designed to be completed in 10 months.
This program will cost $11,950 if completed within normal time. There may be additional costs for living expenses. These costs were accurate at the time of posting, but may have changed and include cost for books and supplies.
Of the students who completed this program within normal time, the typical graduate leaves with $ 0 of debt. (This is a new program and we have no graduates as o 2019).
The following States do not have licensure requirements for this profession: Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia
For more information about graduation rates, loan repayment rates, and post-enrollment earnings about this institution and other postsecondary institutions please click here: