Mar 08, 2025  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Elementary/Special Education (Grades 1-6), MAT

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This study option is designed for those who hold a Bachelor’s degree and are seeking initial Maryland teaching certificates in elementary education (grades 1-6) and generic special education (grades 1-8) as well as the Master of Arts in Teaching degree. This study option serves those who did not earn a baccalaureate degree in education and who seek to become elementary school or special education teachers.

The program of study includes the graduate courses listed below as well as undergraduate liberal arts credits as mandated by the MSDE. The program director reviews each applicant’s undergraduate transcript and determines the number of credits required.

Required Courses

Some of the courses require a field experience component in which students observe or teach in a classroom setting several times during the semester. Students are advised to refer to the Education Courses section of this catalog as they plan their course sequence.

Total Credits 54

* Completion of this program requirements involves two courses (MSPED 500  and MSPED 509  which are offered either during the month of May or during the summer sessions requiring daytime field experiences and a fall semester teacher internship during the academic year.

** Internship I courses must be taken concurrently, MEDUC 506  and MEDUC 507  in the fall semester and MEDUC 512  and MEDUC 513  in the spring. Ten full days or 20 half days are required for field placement each semester. Internships are integrated into classroom contact hours.

*** All 500-level courses can be completed in the evenings except MSPED 519 . MSPED 519  includes teaching obligations that can only be completed during the day. This requirement involves full-time classroom work and is completed in the latter stages of the student’s program (fee applies). Teacher internships should be completed only in a Professional Development School in Frederick County, MD. An “Application for Teacher Internship” must be submitted to the Education Department no later than March 31.

Program Information

Admission to the MAT Program

Submit an Application for Admission to the School of Education.

Candidates will need to have achieved an undergraduate final GPA of at least 2.75, and submitted an admission essay and an admission resume prior to Internship I. Applicants may seek exemption for the GPA requirement by submitting evidence of prior learning and professional experience in a relevant field.

Program Completion and Certification

All teacher applicants who do not have a GPA of 3.0 on their most recently earned degree must present qualifying scores on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core) tests or meet the PPST®, the SAT®, ACT® test or GRE® General Test requirements. Scores on the prior version of the Core Academic Skills for Educators (5712, 5722, 5732) will be accepted as long as the tests are taken on or before June 30, 2020.

In order to apply for certification through the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), a teacher candidate must be a program completer. 

For specific details about seeking Maryland certification, consult the Maryland State Department of Education Certification Branch

Academic Policies

Admission and Advancement to Candidacy

Advancement to candidacy may be awarded to those who have fulfilled all admission requirements. Upon advancement to candidacy, M.Ed. and MAT students have five years to complete their program. If necessary, students may petition the Graduate Committee for an extension. All graduate students must maintain a 3.00 GPA

Admission and Advancement Decision Appeals

Applicants who wish to appeal a decision regarding special student enrollment or advancement to candidacy decisions must submit a written request to the Chair of the Education Department.

Academic Sessions

Sessions are offered on a year-round basis, in Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters.

Clinical Experiences

Professional Development School (PDS)

A Professional Development School (PDS) is a collaboratively planned and implemented partnership for the academic and clinical preparation of teacher candidates and the continuous professional development of both school system and institution of higher education faculty. The focus of a PDS partnership is improved student performance through research-based teaching and learning.

The university enjoys a long-standing PDS partnership with elementary, middle, and high schools in Frederick County, Md. The standards for Maryland PDSs hold that all teacher candidates be provided equitable access to an extensive internship (at least 100 consecutive days) in a PDS. Our field placement coordinator, working in concert with our PDS liaison and building principals, arranges internship placements in PDS. A mentor teacher and  university supervisor support candidates’ professional development toward meeting our benchmarks. Upon graduation, candidates are expected to demonstrate standards-based teaching that is measured through evaluation of teaching performance and portfolio assessment. The Education department uses the standards of the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) in its benchmarks. Teacher candidates are also expected to demonstrate the professional dispositions that relate to successful teaching.

Field Experience

Some graduate courses require several field experiences. The field experience course requirements will usually be met at one of the established Professional Development Schools (PDS) in Frederick County, Maryland.


Teacher Internship - MAT Elementary/Special Education

Prior to Internship I teacher candidates must complete the following core courses: MEDUC 501 , MEDUC 502 , MEDUC 504 , MEDUC 528  , MEDUC 532  , MSPED 508 ; maintain a GPA of 3.0; and have completed all undergraduate content courses as identified in the admission process.

Internship I is a year-long placement to be taken in the fall and spring semester and requires 10 full days or 20 half days per semester in a PDS placement. Internship I concurrent courses: MEDUC 506  and MEDUC 507  in the fall semester and MEDUC 512  and MEDUC 513  in the spring. Internships are integrated into classroom contact hours.

Internship II is to be taken in the following fall semester. This requirement involves full-time classroom experience. The concurrent courses are:   MSPED 519 - Elementary/Special Education Internship  and MEDUC 696 - PPAT Seminar  .

Incomplete Policy for School of Education Internships and Practicums

Due to the nature of teaching internships and advanced practicums, a student receiving a grade of I (Incomplete) may be required to defer the completion of the internship/practicum until the next time the experience is offered, which may be during the following academic year.  Requirements of state performance assessments, internship/practicum assessments, and/or reassigned internship/practicum placements could require the candidate to participate in the experience in its entirety.


The Mount uses Canvas as its course management platform and offers coursework both online and in hybrid formats. MAT candidates use Chalk and Wire, an e-portfolio system, to develop their program completer portfolio.

Program Completer Status and Certification

In order to apply for certification through the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), a teacher candidate must be a program completer. To be a program completer, the teacher candidate must have completed all program requirements, including the submission of official qualifying Praxis II scores for the state of Maryland. It is imperative that students designate Mount St. Mary’s University and the MSDE as score recipients. For specific details about seeking Maryland Certification, consult the Maryland State Department of Education Certification Branch (

Teaching Certification (Initial Licensure)

Obtaining MSDE certification requires that candidates:

  • Complete an approved program.
  • Meet Maryland’s qualifying scores on the basic skills test and Praxis II.
  • Send a cover letter with name, Social Security number, complete mailing address, phone number, area of certification seeking, and requisite fee. The student must also submit official transcripts for all coursework taken and send test scores for the required teacher certification tests.

For specific details and possible additional requirements, log on to

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