To earn a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours. Students must also earn a major GPA of 2.0, and a cumulative GPA of 2.0.
Several courses can be double-counted so that a double major with mathematics can be completed in 69 credits, a double major with data science can be completed with 65 credits, and a double major with cybersecurity can be completed in 64 credits.
Sample Four Year Sequence: Mathematics, B.S. and Computer Science, B.S., Double Major
MATH 389 Numerical Methods (3) is not a required course. Since it counts as both a Computer Science and Math Elecitve, it is a good choice. Studnets who elect not to take MATH 389 Numerical Methods (3) can instead take 3 Math and 3 Computer Science Electives.
Sample Four Year Sequence: Data Science, B.S. and Cybersecurity, B.S., Double Major