Oct 06, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Accelerated Undergraduate Academic Policies and Regulations








Registration may be completed online in MyMount. Students in the Accelerated Undergraduate programs should register early to ensure the best choice of classes. Accelerated/Adult Undergraduate schedules can be found on MyMount under the Courses We Offer tab.

Course Load

It is recommended that students register for no more than two concurrent courses due to the nature of the Accelerated Undergraduate program. Please consult with your advisor if you wish to exceed the course load limit.

Full-Time and Part-Time Status

Full-Time status is defined as 12 or more credit hours per semester.

Half-Time status is defined as 6 to 11 credit hours per semester.

Independent Studies and Tutorials

An independent study is an advanced-level study undertaken with a faculty mentor, generally though not always within a student’s major. In most cases, only juniors and seniors will have the requisite knowledge and experience to undertake such a study, though exceptions may be approved. Satisfactory completion of independent study must involve a substantial scholarly or creative project that the student designs in concert with the mentor. Presentation of the results of independent study to the faculty and students within the appropriate program is encouraged but not required. Independent studies must be approved in advance by the faculty mentor, the Dean of the student’s college/school, and the Associate Provost.

A tutorial is a specially offered version of a regular course. Students take tutorials when they need such a course but because of unavoidable schedule conflicts cannot take it when it is normally offered. On rare occasions, students who have completed an advanced course may continue their study on a tutorial basis. All tutorials must be approved in advance by the instructor, the Dean of the student’s college/school, and the Associate Provost.

Auditing a Course

A student may audit a course, i.e., attend and participate without receiving credit, provided that space is available in the course and written permission of the instructor is obtained, including a list of course requirements for the Audit. After the course has started, the student’s status cannot be changed from audit to regular grade or vice versa.To receive the audit grade (AU) on the transcript.

Part-time, visiting and non-degree seeking students will pay a per-credit fee. See Accelerated Undergraduate Program Fees and Financial Information.

Progress/Maintaining Enrollment

Because of the accelerated pace of Accelerated Undergraduate programs and the demands of students’ lives, students often find it necessary and beneficial to choose to pause their academic pursuits from time to time. The Mount’s programs are designed to be responsive to those needs.

Students who do not complete at least one course within a two year period must re-apply to the program and will be subject to the curricular requirements and policies in effect at the time of re-application.

Class Attendance

Missed Classes

Attendance at all classes is expected. Failure to attend class does not constitute a withdrawal. Should an emergency arise, the instructor should be contacted prior to that class. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor or, if unable to reach the instructor, the Frederick Campus (301-682-8315). All instructors are free to determine attendance regulations to govern the courses they teach. Any absences or tardiness will be handled between the instructor and the student involved. Students should consult the syllabus for each course to review the instructor’s policies regarding missed classes.

Grading System

Each faculty member at Mount St. Mary’s is free to devise any system of student evaluation that is based on reason and results in professional judgments of student academic performance and achievement.

Ordinarily, this means faculty members base grades on the following criteria:

  • Understanding of material
  • Articulation and communication of course material
  • Application and integration of material
  • Fulfillment of basic course requirements

Faculty and students share an understanding that

A = Excellent

B = Good

C = Satisfactory

D = Poor

F = Failure

Grading policies for each course must be published in the syllabus distributed at the beginning of the term.

Letter grades and corresponding quality point values per credit hour are as follows:

A 4.00 points C 2.00 points
A- 3.67 points C- 1.67 points
B+ 3.33 points D+ 1.33 points
B 3.00 points D 1.00 points
B- 2.67 points D- 0.67 points
C+ 2.33 points F 0.00 points

Adding Classes

The deadline to add a class is 5 PM on the Friday before the course begins.

Students pursuing a B.S. in Education may add a course after missing the first class only with the instructor’s permission. Students may add courses on MyMount under the Registration tab.

Dropping Classes

The deadline to drop a Continuing Studies class is 5 PM Monday of the Second Week of classes.

The refund schedule for dropped classes is as follows:

If dropped by… Student receives
5 PM Friday of the first week of class Full Tuition Refund
5 PM Monday of the second week of class 80% Tuition Refund

Students may drop courses on MyMount under the Registration tab.

Coursework Deadline

The deadline for all graded course assignments is the last scheduled day of the term or the last day of class (often the final exam date), whichever comes first. Professors are not permitted to extend assignment deadlines beyond the last day of the term.


Given the accelerated, compressed nature of the Accelerated Undergraduate program, students are strongly encouraged to complete their courses on time and to not withdraw. In certain limited cases, a professor may grant the student a grade of Incomplete (“I”), allowing the student additional time to complete the course work.

A faculty member may grant an Incomplete grade only when all the following conditions are met: 1. The student has a serious reason to make the request, such as a medical or family emergency; 2. The student requests the Incomplete; and 3. The student has completed at least 75% of the work, and is able to finish the course with minimal assistance from the professor.

The professor must submit an Incomplete Form to the Registrar’s Office detailing the terms for finishing the course requirements and enter a grade of “I” by the grading deadline. Once the student has completed all required work or the incomplete deadline has passed, the professor submits a grade change form based on all completed work. If the Incomplete is not resolved by the end of the term following the one in which the incomplete grade was received, an Incomplete reverts to the grade specified on the form or to an F, and is entered as such on the official transcript. Grades of Incomplete may not remain on a student’s transcript for more than one semester.

Withdrawing From a Class

After 5 PM Monday of the second week of class students cannot drop a class but may withdraw.

For 5 week classes, the deadline to withdraw is Friday of the 3rd week of class.

For 8 week classes, the deadline to withdraw is Friday of the 5th week of class.

For 15 week classes, the deadline to withdraw is Friday of the 11th week of class.

A grade of “W” will appear on the student’s transcript and there will be no refund of tuition. The withdrawal form is available at on MyMount under the Student Forms tab.

After the withdrawal deadline for a given course, the student receives the calculated letter grade for the course.

Grade Point Averages

The grade point average is computed by dividing the total number of quality points achieved by the total number of course credit hours attempted. The University transcript records both the cumulative grade point average and the average for each semester at Mount St. Mary’s. Transfer credits for courses taken at other institutions are not computed in the grade point average.

TERM HONORS: Part-time students with 6-11 earned credit hours in a semester and a 3.4 or higher semester grade point average with no incomplete grades will receive Term Honors, which will be noted on the student’s transcript.

DEAN’S LIST: Full-time students with 12 or more earned credit hours in a semester and a 3.4 or higher semester grade point average with no incomplete grades will be named to the Dean’s List, which will be noted on the student’s transcript.

PRESIDENT’S LIST: Full-time students with 12 or more earned credit hours in a semester and a 4.0 semester grade point average with no incomplete grades will be named to the President’s List, which will be noted on the student’s transcript.

Retaking a Course

Students may retake courses with the following exception: students may not repeat a prerequisite course if a subsequent dependent course has been passed. If a student retakes a course, the original grade will continue to appear on the transcript, but in the computation of the cumulative grade point average, the new grade will replace the original. In cases where the new course grade is lower than the original grade, the original grade will be retained. If a student repeats a course that was originally passed (with a grade of D- or better), no additional credits will be earned.

Academic Standing

Academic standing is based on the cumulative grade point average and the total number of credits earned. To continue to progress toward graduation in the Accelerated Undergraduate program, students must achieve the minimum GPA and number of Mount St. Mary’s credits listed below:


Mount Credits Completed Minimum GPA
After 12 credits 1.75
After 24 credits 2.0
To graduate:  
Elementary Education, Elementary/Special Education major 2.75
All other majors 2.0

Academic Dismissal

Any student who falls out of good academic standing will be placed on Academic Probation, which will be noted on the student’s record in MyMount. Students who are on academic probation for two consecutive semesters may be subject to suspension or dismissal from the university.

Mount St. Mary’s University Standards of Academic Integrity

An academic community, regardless of delivery modality (e.g., in-person, online), must operate with complete openness, honesty and integrity.  Responsibility for maintaining this atmosphere lies with the students, faculty and administration. Therefore, the achievement of personal and academic goals through dishonest means will not be tolerated. Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to:

  1. Cheating: the unauthorized use, access, or exchange of information before or during a quiz, test or semester examination. Unauthorized collaboration on a class assignment, submitting the same work in two courses without the professor’s permission, and buying or selling work for a course are also forms of cheating.
  2. Plagiarism: the representation of someone else’s words or ideas as one’s own. The various forms of plagiarism include but are not limited to copying homework, falsifying lab reports, submitting papers containing materials written by another person, and failing to document correctly in one’s written assignment words, arguments or ideas secured from other sources including content available from websites. Plagiarism detection software may be used with assignment submissions to verify original work.
  3. Providing or receiving assistance in a manner not authorized by the professor in the creation of work to be submitted for academic evaluation including papers, projects and examinations; presenting as one’s own the ideas or words of another for academic evaluation without proper acknowledgment.
  4. Doing unauthorized academic work for which another person will receive credit or be evaluated.
  5. Misrepresenting student identity: posing as another or having someone pose as you is an act of academic misconduct. Identity verification may be required to complete course activities and assessments.
  6. Attempting to influence one’s academic evaluation by means other than academic achievement or merit including unauthorized access to computer systems.
  7. Assisting in misconduct: cooperation with another in an act of academic misconduct. A student who writes a paper or does an assignment for another student or who posts a paper or exam questions online, is an accomplice and will be held accountable just as severely as the other. Any student who permits another to copy from his or her own paper, examination, or project shall be held as accountable as the student who submits the copied material. Students are expected to safeguard their work and should not share papers, projects, homework, or exam answers with other students unless specifically directed to by their professors.
  8. Failure to protect University accounts and computer systems such as sharing of accounts, passwords, and other assigned resources whether with intention or through negligence.

Penalties for Academic Misconduct

Penalties for any infraction are cumulative in that they are imposed in light of a student’s record at Mount St. Mary’s. The minimum penalty for the first offense will be a grade of zero for the assignment or examination; an instructor may impose a more severe penalty if circumstances warrant it. A second offense in that course or in any other course will result in a grade of failure (F) for the entire course in which this second incident occurs. The penalty for the third offense may be expulsion from the University.

Procedural Guidelines for Academic Misconduct

If a professor has reason to suspect that academic misconduct has occurred, the professor will speak with his/her Program Director and Associate Provost of Graduate, Continuing, and Professional Studies in order to determine the appropriate actions.

If a formal charge is warranted:

The professor will notify the student of the infraction in writing. Ordinarily, notification of the student should come no more than three weeks after the due date of the assignment in question. The professor is responsible for keeping the evidence of academic misconduct in its original form and need not return the original version of the materials to the student. Copies of the student’s work and information about other evidence will be provided to the student upon request.

The professor will notify the Dean in writing (with a copy of the notification to the department chair) and forward copies of all information and materials. The Dean will consult with the Associate Provost about prior offenses and then will officially notify the student in writing of the charge and the student’s right to appeal. The Associate Provost will maintain all records of the charge. The Associate Provost will be responsible for maintaining the necessary electronic records that ensure that the penalties for the second and third offenses are administered by the University.

Procedures for Appeals of Academic Misconduct Charges

A student may appeal a charge of academic misconduct, though not the specific penalties. He or she may register an appeal with the Associate Provost, who will determine whether or not to convene an academic appeals board. Written appeals must be registered with the Associate Provost within four weeks of formal notice of the charge to the student by the divisional dean.

Grade Appeals

A student may appeal the final grade in a course only on the grounds that a grading policy is unclear or has been unfairly applied. Recourse should be made first to the professor concerned, then to the Program Director in which the course is taken, and then to the Associate Provost. A student wishing to pursue the matter further must register a written appeal with the Provost no later than the fourth week of the semester following the posting of the grade. Upon receiving the appeal, the Provost will determine whether or not to convene an academic appeals board.

Academic Appeals Board

An academic appeals board addresses student appeals in cases of cheating and plagiarism and in grade protests taken beyond the department level. The board is convened by the Associate Provost. The board will include two members of the Student Government Association Academic Committee and three faculty members appointed by the Undergraduate Academic Committee, one of whom shall be from the department affected in the dispute. The Associate Provost will name one of the faculty members to serve as chair of the appeals board. On the basis of written information provided by the instructor, the student and any other relevant party, the board will then determine by majority vote whether an appeal is warranted. If the board decides to hear an appeal, it will invite spoken testimony from the student and professor involved in the case and may, at its discretion, solicit other pertinent information. Decisions in appeals hearings will be made by majority vote. The board’s decision may be appealed to the Associate Provost by the student(s) or by the professor involved. The Associate Provost has final jurisdiction in such matters.

Confidentiality of Student Records

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Mount St. Mary’s University complies with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, and any regulation promulgated thereunder. A copy of the Mount St. Mary’s University institutional compliance statement is located in the Office of the Registrar and will be made available upon request.

Notification of Student Rights under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. They are:

  • The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. Students should contact the Registrar to schedule an appointment to review the education records and receive an explanation or interpretation of the records requested.
  • The right to request amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
  • The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Anyone who believes his or her rights have been violated may file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.

Students and others who wish to have specific information regarding their rights of access to institutional education records maintained in their name should contact the Office of the Registrar at 301-447-5215.

Confidentiality of Student Records

Mount St. Mary’s University accords all rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

The University does not release personally identifiable information or education record information by any means without written consent of the student, except in those cases exempted by FERPA. Mount St. Mary’s releases directory information unless a student requests in writing that this information be withheld. Directory information includes: name, address, telephone number, dates of attendance, previous institutions attended, major fields of study, enrollment status, awards, honors, degrees conferred, and date and place of birth.

A complete text of the University’s institutional compliance statement is available in the Office of the Registrar. Inquiries regarding compliance should be directed to the registrar.

Advising of Students

All students will be assigned an academic advisor. Students should consult frequently with their advisor about course selection and scheduling.


Degrees are awarded in May, September, and December. May conferral is awarded to students completing all degree requirements by May 31st. September conferral is awarded to students completing all degree requirements by August 31st. December conferral is awarded to students completing all degree requirements by December 31st. Commencement takes place in May at the main campus in Emmitsburg, Maryland. A small recognition ceremony is held in December at the Frederick, Maryland campus.

An Intent to Graduate form is available on MyMount under the Student Forms tab and must be completed by February 1 of the graduation year for those expecting to graduate in May. If you expect to graduate in September, please complete the Intent to Graduate form by August 15 of the graduation year. If you expect to graduate in December, please complete the Intent to Graduate form by October 1 of the graduation year.

Diplomas are mailed to each candidate by the Registrar’s Office. In order to participate in Commencement, students must be registered for all courses required to complete the degree by the end of the Spring semester.

Students who will complete their final three credits (or fewer) in the first summer term may participate in the May Commencement. Students who complete all of their degree requirements by May 31st will receive a May degree conferral. Students who complete requirements in the first or second summer term will receive their degree in September.

Degrees with Honors

Honors graduates must have completed a minimum of 45 credit hours through Mount St. Mary’s University. Degrees conferred by the University are awarded with honors for exceptional quality as follows:

Cum laude: minimum grade point average of 3.400

Magna cum laude: minimum grade point average of 3.650

Summa cum laude: minimum grade point average of 3.850

Declaring a Minor

A minor is not required, but students may elect to add a minor. A minimum of 18 semester hours is required for a minor; the specific courses required are set out in the discussion of minors associated with each academic department. A Declaration of Minor form must be completed on MyMount under Student Forms prior to your final semester.

Second Bachelor’s Degree

To earn a second bachelor’s degree, students must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited college or university. A maximum of 90 transferable credits will be applied toward the second bachelor’s degree and the student will not have to complete Core Curriculum requirements. Second bachelor’s degree students must complete a minimum of 30 new credits at Mount St. Mary’s University and meet all requirements for the major. These 30 credits may not be met through the credit for prior learning option.

Detailed requirements:

  • You must complete all requirements for the major. If any of the requirements were satisfied in the previous degree, the remainder necessary to complete the minimum 30 credits of new courses must be satisfied with courses related to the major.
  • For purposes of determining which major requirements apply, the applicable date is the date you started coursework at Mount St. Mary’s University after being admitted into the second undergraduate program.
  • From the start of your second Bachelor’s degree pathway, continuous enrollment at Mount St. Mary’s University is required.
  • A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required for graduation. For those completing a Bachelor of Science in Education, a 2.75 GPA is required.
  • Second bachelor’s degree students cannot pursue a minor or a double major.
  • You must submit an official transcript showing that you were awarded your first bachelor’s degree in order to be considered for admission to a second bachelor’s degree program. If you earned your first bachelor’s degree at Mount St. Mary’s you do not need to submit official transcripts, but your record must indicate that your first degree was conferred.
  • Students who complete 30 credit hours with the requisite GPA will receive their degree with honors as listed above.
  • The degree is conferred and the diploma awarded on the May, September, or December conferral date following completion of all requirements.

  • Current Mount students must complete and earn a bachelor’s degree before they can pursue a second bachelor’s degree. Please note: Students pursuing a double major as part of their first bachelor’s degree receive one diploma.

Transfer of Credit

Students may transfer into the program up to 75 credit hours from regionally accredited institutions, including 100-level elective credits (from an accredited post-secondary school). Effective for Fall 2020, all 100 level and above courses and credits completed with a grade of “C-” or better at a regionally-accredited institution are transferable to Mount St. Mary’s University as free elective credit. Other criteria may be necessary for transfer of credits to be approved as satisfying core or major requirements. Developmental/remedial, personal development and orientation courses do not transfer. At least 30 credit hours must be satisfactorily completed at Mount St. Mary’s. Prospective students should have all official transcripts sent to the Division  of Continuing Studies Office for initial evaluation.

Effective for Fall 2020, students taking courses at another institution must attain a grade of C- (1.67) or better in an applicable course in order to transfer credits. Relevant courses with a non-letter grade, such as Pass or Satisfactory, will be accepted for transfer as long as the transcript clearly notes that such grades are equivalent to a C- or better. All transferred credits are recorded as Pass (P). Credits previously evaluated for transfer are excluded from this policy. Age limits apply to some courses.

General Elective Transfer Credit Limit

Mount St. Mary’s University will transfer only the number of general elective credits required beyond the Core and Major requirements to get to the 120 credits required for the degree. The transfer coordinator sets this amount during the student’s initial transfer evaluation, subject to change should additional electives be required later in the student’s career.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

Adult students gain knowledge and develop skills in a variety of ways, often from their work and lived experiences. Recognizing and honoring this, Mount St. Mary’s University offers Credit for Prior Learning (CPL). When properly documented, CPL can be equated to academic coursework and credits at MSMU.

CPL can be earned in several ways: by way of portfolio, by examination (e.g., CLEP), by way of military training/service per guidelines established by the American Council on Education (ACE), and by way of successfully completing training in an accredited law enforcement academy. The maximum number of credits that can be granted for CPL is 45. Of these, no more than 30 can be from portfolio assessment or from CLEP/DSST.

The requirements and other relevant details vary by type of CPL:

Portfolio Assessment

  • Students must be enrolled at MSMU with at least part-time status for the semester in which portfolio is taking place at MSMU-Frederick.
  • Must have taken GE 200.
  • Must have three years of work experience.
  • Take a one credit online Portfolio Seminar to understand how to write the portfolio. The Mount requires a one-credit online seminar designed to help a student document experiences that duplicate the knowledge and skills taught in the classroom. Credit for prior learning earned in this manner may be applied to any requirements including major and core.
  • May not have taken the same course before or received a grade in the equivalent course
  • Will be applied to only core and major requirements

Portfolio credits will not count toward the minimum number of credits taken from a four-year institution or toward the 30-credit minimum (residency requirement) for graduation from Mount St. Mary’s[WC1] .

Credit by Examination

  • Students must consult with an MSMU-Frederick advisor to identify coursework for credit by examination
  • Take either CLEP or DSST at a testing location
  • Have official transcript score sent to MSMU-Frederick location

Credit will be awarded based on score and may not exceed 45 and will be counted as part of the 75 credit maximum.

Military Credit 

Students must provide an official Joint Services Transcript (JST), or an official transcript from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) 

  • CCAF credits are accepted at face value, as elective credits or potentially as satisfying specific requirements if approved by the appropriate Dean/Program Manager/Department Chair 
  • All JST’s include credit evaluations by the American Council on Education (ACE).  This includes a notation for the type of credit: V (vocational), L (lower level credit), or U (upper level credit). 
  • The Mount accepts up to 30 Lower level credits based on JST transcripts, regardless of content, as free electives or potentially as satisfying specific requirements if approved by the appropriate Dean/Program Manager/Department Chair 
  • The Mount also accepts all Upper level credits based on JST transcripts, regardless of content, until the student has reached the maximum of 45 CPL credits. 
  • Repeat credits and Vocational credits are not accepted

Law Enforcement Credit

  • Students must consult with an MSMU-Frederick advisor to explore this option
  • Students must provide an official transcript from their police academy

A maximum of 12 credits can be awarded for properly documented academy training in consultation with the appropriate program director or department chair.

Transfer and Articulation Agreement Policies & Procedures

University articulation agreements are housed within the Registrar’s office. Under ordinary circumstances, students who have completed at least 60 credits or an associate’s degree will be able to complete the requirements for a bachelor’s degree in two years. Students interested in programs with articulation agreements should contact the Registrar’s office or the Division of Continuing Studies for guidance.